Micro monofilament technológiával gyártott, ezüst bevonatú, oxigénmentes rézvezetékekkel szerelt átjátszókábel.
The safe transfer of digital data streams depends on achieving accurate impedance within the transmission chain. The S/PDIF transmission standard dictates a 75 Ohm co-axial lead, but it is surprising how few cables meet that specification.
The Blue Heaven Digital Interconnect is a true 75 Ohm conductor. Employing a Micro Mono-Filament, co-axial construction. This advanced topology allows us to achieve superior electrical performance and geometrical accuracy, irrespective of cable length. The Blue Heaven Digital Interconnect ensures high-speed, low-loss characteristics and, due to its BNC termination, the 75 Ohm standard is maintained, even across the connectors. Each BNC connector is supplied with a gold-plated RCA adaptor, keeping the cable consistent in performance across any combination of co-axial inputs or outputs. To accommodate even more applications, this cable is also available in a BNC to 3.5mm mono mini configuration.
Főbb jellemzők:
- 75 Ohm impedanciájú koax digitális átjátszó kábel, CD, DAC és egyéb készülékekhez
- BNC csatlakozóval szerelve
- BNC-RCA átalakítókkal kiegészítve